Who doesn’t love a nice little challenge?
Well, in my many many wanderings through Social Media I found this blog and kind of a dare. As a person who loves those, I started reading. So, you have to write on your blog for 31 days, on any subject you like.
‘Oh boy, oh boy, that sounds lovely… And there were so many topics going through my mind… But…wait. I don’t have a blog… Yet.’
So that’s how it all started 🙂 I wanted a blog for so long but I was always unsure of what I would write on it. Even though I do have lots of stories to tell, at least my friends always tell me how interesting my life is and how I live every moment, something just wasn’t right. But when THIS came along, it felt just perfect. Maybe because just a few days before that, a friend of mine was annoyed with the fact that I was narrating a story and I only share it with a few people.
So, this is it. You’re on my blog now, so it exists, yey! I joined the ‘Write 31 Days’ Challenge, that starts on the 1st of October and I plan to write the whole month, one post a day. At least one that’s related to the topic I chose especially for this and then others of my day-to-day life.
You might be curious about my topic… But that’s going to come out when the time is right. Let me tell you a bit about ’31 Days’. So it’s an online writing challenge started by blogger Myquillyn Smith. And it’s where bloggers pick one topic and they write a post a day on it. There’s also a community where we post those articles, and also a Facebook group, so that everyone can read the ones they’re interested in the most.
I thought this was the perfect place for me to be in my blogging beginnings. It was all the motivation I needed, plus the social interaction with people that have the same determination and enthusiasm as me, but most of all, the same purpose.
I was looking at all those categories and I knew that I would never write on ‘House & Home’ or ‘Family Life’. In the end, I just knew that I belonged in the ‘Too Awesome to Categorize’ group. Ok, now may be the right time to tell you about my topic.
Initially, I was thinking about listing lovely words like ‘Sausade’ or ‘Wanderlust’, words that have a certain meaning that makes them interesting. But then, there would be no ‘ME’ in there… And since my friends tell me I have some interesting stories to tell, and they even got angry with the fact that I keep them to myself – there you have it, okay? I’m going to take out my memories box out of the closet and for the 31 days of October I will tell you 31 lovely, funny, stories that made my life until now.
After deciding on my topic, I needed just one other thing – a title. How was I supposed to call it? 31 Days of what? Memories, stories, happenings, they were all too specific. One dear friend even suggested ’31 Days of Sunshine’. I did like it, it just wasn’t right enough. And I got to thinking that all those memories were made at the right time with the right people for me to be a part of them. Most of them were unexpected, the people and/or the happenings, I wasn’t looking for either of them… And that made me remember my fav word in the whole world 🙂 I just felt it, it was right, it was ME. And that one word is ‘Serendipity’.
To get the latest ‘31 Days’ posts, simply follow #Write31Days on Facebook. You’ll especially find me by following that hashtag of course, but also #ampblog and #31daysofserendipity, starting the 1st of October!
Anyone who wishes to take part in this lovely project can find more info here.
Later Edit: Below you can find all my posts that are ‘Too Awesome to Categorize’ 🙂
Day 1 – I’m (Still) a Barbie Girl
Day 2 – Learning to Let Go
Day 3 – First (Business) Meeting
Day 4 – Beyond Comprehension
Day 5 – First Friend
Day 6 – Red and Blue Love
Day 7 – Obsession
Day 8 – The Aww Factor
Day 9 – Mood for Love
Day 10 – Coincidence or Fate?
Day 11 – My Thing
Day 12 – Always a ‘Bridesmaid’
Day 13 – Happy as A Child
Day 14 – Angel
Day 15 – Barcelona of My Soul
Day 16 – I Heart Burberry
Day 17 – My Fortune Cookie
Day 18 – ‘Something to Remember Me By’
Day 19 – Second Beauty Queen
Day 20 – Hey, Bartender!
Day 21 – Why Settle?
Day 22 – Full Age
Day 23 – Princess Me
Day 25 – My Vienna
Day 27 – Virtual Friend