Twitter 101 – 5 Tips for B2B Marketing

Many professionals are still confused about Twitter – How can 140 characters be relevant for brands and B2B Marketing?

Truth is: it’s a challenge. But the good news? Not impossible!

Since its launch almost 10 years ago, Twitter has been defined by simplicity. Less is more – targeted audience, public engagement and easy-to-find information. Businesses have so much to take advantage of, the social network being a powerful tool in testing and sharing content. So let’s get it right:


  1. Be short and sweet, but professional

Tweets are only 140 characters long, so make sure you stay on subject. However, be careful to use proper grammar and spelling! Of course, sometimes you’re going to need to cut short words, but make sure you still make it nice. And this leads to the next tip.


  1. Use hashtags

Not only that hashtags help you keep it short, but it’s a great way for grabbing the attention also. blog twitter

Carefully choose your message and then use the appropriate hashtag to help you send the same information. Changing the emphasis of the sentence gives you a chance of grabbing the attention. blog twitter hashtag

And this leads us to the next one, very important!


  1. Engage your audience

The virtual space is impersonal enough and the idea of talking and tweeting to a brand can be even more. So make it personal, be the voice that reaches out to the customer, in ways that make them feel special and connected.

Twitter is not the place for speeches or one-way conversations. You want that, you buy a megaphone and focus on expressing your thoughts. You, as a professional, need to go the extra-mile. Be the human behind the brand, make the audience feel the person.


  1. Plan ahead

Twitter lets you schedule your posts. Try and think of the whole audience or even potential audience. Just because you’re a night-owl or a morning person, doesn’t mean everyone is up at 4AM. Even when you schedule the posts, make sure the right amount of time in between tweets is respected. People need to feel the human touch, not a robot who posts a tweet every 5 seconds. Search for Hootsuite or Buffer and check them out!


  1. Monitor your field

Hashtags help you a great deal, not only in making it short and sweet. Use them from the shadow – check out your competitors, get in touch with other specialists from whom you feel you’ve got things to learn. Also, set alerts with tools like Twilert, that help you with keywords and mentions of your brand. This way, you can also maintain the relationship with your audience. Remember, we hit that earlier…

Twitter can be very useful in B2B Marketing – it’s just like in a relationship. Take the time to get to know and value it and it will work its magic afterwards!