It’s okay to quit

Our whole lives we’ve been told that we shouldn’t quit, we should be ‘someone’ in this life, don’t let others get ahead. Okay – so what do you do when you find yourself in a situation you’re not comfortable with, it’s just not for you and you want to leave it behind? How could you quit when you weren’t taught how to do that?

Let’s see what quitting means and why it’s really okay to react.



Many people live years and even their whole lives where they don’t belong. Excuses or not, they get stuck there because: they need the money / they feel guilty towards someone / they don’t think they’ve got the time to make a change / they feel responsible or fear someone else / they don’t want to disappoint others. All of these you can find just by talking to them. They’re not scared of admitting.

But when the moment comes to actually make a move, the best thought you can have is that you’re being true to yourself. It’s a step forward on creating a new road that you can really enjoy. You re-build yourself, and the past experience should only work as a lesson.



To be able to quit when the circumstances are not happy requires a lot of bravery, especially if it comes hand in hand with a major change. But it’s not just that. Once you’re out of it, you also challenge your open-mindedness in order to explore and have new experiences. It’s not a matter of age or qualification, instead, it requires a strong desire to achieve more.

One of the learning methods used in Psychology is based on trial and error. Machines, robots, they all encounter errors. So what happens then? Well, a brilliant mind comes along and updates the system. Same with people. Being open-minded leads you to detect the error and update yourself, to just try again.



Not lose. This is what it’s all about.

You’re not wasting time, nor energy. It’s not a race against time. It’s self-discovery and in the end, that is a win situation. You start to reconsider your resources. This time, it’s not about money or material things. Now you’ve only got yourself to work on in order to win, so you start to reconsider your time, your energy, your passions.


Life is a game and each one of us is in a different level, but it’s okay to sometimes pause and ask yourself if the one you’re playing is really your game or you’re in somebody else’s. And there is a big difference between quitting and giving up.


N.B.: This topic was inspired and written for a special friend – S., to whom I wish to consider all the time in the world in order to be reborn, to rebuild himself like a Phoenix 🙂